Italian food

10 Must-Try Dishes To Relish The Best Of Italian Cuisine

Italian culinary experts, whose genes are firmly rooted in the memory of Lucullus feasts, have honed their skills over the centuries, inventing amazingly delicious delicacies during this time. Now they can be enjoyed not only in Italy itself, but also far beyond its borders, although, of course, they cannot be compared to true Italian tastes.

The long historical disunity of the country has led to the fact that in each of its regions there are dishes that are considered traditional only here, but not in neighboring provinces. Therefore, in order to try some kind of exemplary dish, you need to come exactly to the region where it comes from. So at the same time you can travel all over Italy.

Neapolitan pizza

In our cosmopolitan times, Italian pizza has become popular all over the world, it is one of the best and most common Italian dishes. More than 2,000 varieties of pizza are made in Italy alone. Particularly promoted are such types of it as “Margarita”, “4 Seasons”, “Marinara”. In fact, pizza has historically been considered the food of the poor, who dumped everything that was lying around in the kitchen into it. But one day everything changed when the Neapolitan monarch Ferdinand II tasted this simple dish and demanded that pizza be served to his table. Since then, Neapolitan pizza has been reputed to be the most delicious in Italy.

The dough for traditional pizza was kneaded with feet, which was unacceptable for the royal table. It was also required to find the most convenient tool with which one could eat hot pizza without getting the fingers of noble hands dirty. In the end, they began to beat the dough with a bronze pestle, and learned to eat pizza with a 4-pronged fork.

In 2004, the official press organ of the Italian government published a recipe for the classic Neapolitan pizza. Olive oil, basil, garlic and oregano are also acceptable as ingredients. It should be baked in a charcoal oven at a temperature of 485 degrees, so it has time to cook in a couple of minutes (but almost no one adheres to this rule now). If one of these rules is violated in the manufacture of pizza, then it cannot be called a real Neapolitan pizza.

Lasagne from Bologna

Lasagna resembles a casserole or layer cake. Lasagna noodles are made from durum flour, alternating its layers with a filling of minced meat, vegetables, mushrooms with bolognese sauce, and sprinkled with grated parmesan on top. There are several varieties of lasagna.
The homeland of this dish is Bologna, so it is best to taste it in this Italian city. In southern Italy, it is customary to prepare dough from semolina steamed in water.

In the northern provinces of the country, semolina was not historically used, so flour with eggs was used instead. Also in the north of Italy there is a kind of green lasagna, because spinach is added to its dough. For the central regions of the country, the variant of lasagna with a mushroom layer is more typical. Lasagna was made in Italy even before tomatoes were brought from America, so they are not included in its traditional recipes. But now culinary specialists prefer to add fresh tomatoes or sauces made from them to many types of lasagna.

Risotto from Lombardy

Rice is loved not only in Asia, Italians also love rice, or rather risotto. To enjoy the best risotto in Italy, you need to go to Lombardy, where they cook risotto Milanese. Saffron is added here, which gives the rice a beautiful golden hue and great taste.
There are different stories associated with the appearance of risotto. The most common and most plausible story is about a certain absent-minded cook who was making rice soup for a reception, but was distracted by something until all the water in the pot boiled away.

The cook already thought that everything would have to be thrown away and, without any hope, removed the lid from the pan. But there, to his surprise, was tender cream-colored rice, pieces of meat and vegetables. With this he fed the guests, and they were satisfied with the unusual taste of the dish. And just like that, simple absent-mindedness helped create a dish that is now enjoyed in restaurants around the world.

Risotto does not look like rice soufflé, nor porridge, nor pilaf, since the principle of its preparation is completely different. All its ingredients are added to rice in a strictly defined sequence. The rice is first fried in oil, usually with onions. Then water or broth is poured into it in portions, each portion is added only after the previous one has been completely absorbed by rice. After that, the ingredients are used: meat, vegetables, seafood, fruits, etc. If the technology for preparing risotto is maintained exactly, then rice is obtained with a delicate, cream-like texture, and due to languishing, it has a richer taste.

Gelato from Rome

A real Italian gelato dessert has a unique taste and is the pride of Italian confectioners. It is made with whole milk, low-fat cream and lots of sugar. With the help of various additives (berries, grated nuts, chocolate, fruit puree), it is given a special taste and aroma.

Gelato must be made on site and served chilled, because this soft ice cream is practically not stored. It is conjured by specially trained masters – gelatieri, who work in institutions called gelateria. The Italians have come up with a huge number of types of this delicacy and are convinced that this is the best ice cream in the world (which is debatable). There are especially many good gelaterias in Rome, the oldest of which appeared already in 1800.

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