food in bali

Bali cuisine: what to try from food on the island

The traditional cuisine of Bali is formed in accordance with the traditions of the inhabitants of the island, as well as influenced by the cuisine of other regions of Indonesia, Chinese and Indian cuisine. Despite the fact that Balinese cuisine is part of Indonesian cuisine, the main religion of the island, Hindu, has significantly influenced its formation and introduced its own characteristics. For example, unlike the rest of Indonesia, where the population is Muslim, the consumption of pork is allowed in Bali.

It is worth noting that it is often used in traditional dishes. Rice in Balinese cuisine, as well as in most other Asian countries, is considered a staple.  As a rule, it is consumed with vegetables, meat or seafood. In Balinese Hinduism, the goddess of rice, Dewi Sri, is one of the most revered and beloved by the locals; the famous Pura Ulun Danu temple was built in her honor.

What is the basis of Bali cuisine? Of course, on fragrant spices, which are in abundance on the island. The famous combination of 8 main spices is widely used – white pepper, black pepper, coriander, cumin, cloves, nutmeg, sesame and candle fruit. In addition, Balinese cuisine cannot be imagined without shallots, garlic, turmeric, ginger, chili peppers and palm sugar.

Bali signature dish

Arriving at the resort, be sure to try the traditional Balinese dish – Babi Guling – baked suckling pig. They make it only here, as in other regions of Indonesia, Muslims predominate, who do not eat pork.

Piglet is cooked using a mixture of spices (lemongrass, black pepper, turmeric, garlic, shallots, etc.), which is rubbed on the outside and inside of the carcass. Lime leaves, shrimp paste and other exotic ingredients are also used. It is baked on a spit for an hour, after which it is cut into pieces and served with rice. One serving costs an average of $4. A whole pig is about $100.

Babi Guling is not offered in ordinary restaurants and cafes, but is served only in warungs that specialize in this particular dish. Often one piglet is roasted in the morning, sold out during the day, and immediately after that the cafe closes. There are such establishments in every city in Bali.

Martabak (Martabak)

One of the most popular dishes in Bali, as well as in other regions of Indonesia. Although the method of preparing sweet and salty martabak is very different. Sweet martabak (martabak manis) is a thick pancake with filling. The sweet filling comes with chocolate, nuts, bananas, condensed milk, etc. Salted martabak (martabak telur) is a thin dough that is wrapped with a filling of eggs and other ingredients such as onions, chicken, beef, etc. Traditionally, it is cooked in evening time of the day by street vendors.

Skewers (Sate)

Tiny pieces of chicken, meat or fish skewered with a lemongrass stick are the inimitable Sate skewers, the national Indonesian dish. The aroma of mangal and unusual sauce make the taste of sauté inimitable. The resort has its own variety of kebabs – satellit. They are made in the form of pieces of minced seafood mixed with traditional spices (turmeric, galangal, ginger, pepper) strung on a mini-skewer. There are two sauces to choose from – nutty and spicy, where the main component is chili pepper.

Nasi Goreng

The basis of the dish is rice. The name of the dish has a literal translation of “fried rice” and is the most recognizable on the island. It has two advantages – tasty and quick feeling of fullness, plus everything is very cheap. To prepare Nasi Goreng, rice must first be boiled and then fried with spices and vegetables. Before serving, it is complemented with a fried egg and fresh vegetables. The local population enhances the taste with the exotic Kechap Manis sauce, which is sold in every store and varanga.

Mia Goreng

This dish is practically no different from the previous one, only the rice in it is replaced with egg noodles. In addition, the dish is served without a fried egg.

Fried Bananas (Pisanggoreng)

Probably the most famous dessert in the region is fried bananas (pisanggoreng). Many tourists are so impressed by the taste of the dish that upon returning home, they prepare a Balinese sweet for themselves. Risanggoreng is fried in batter, sometimes honey is poured on top.

It is also worth tasting local coffee and cocoa and buying them home – then the memories of Bali will be even tastier.

Where to eat in Bali?

The island has a huge variety of cafes and restaurants for every taste and budget. Both local cuisine and cuisines from all over the world.
Passwords and appearances where to eat in Bali can be viewed using the foursguare applications. It is very convenient, shows the location of the restaurant on the map, reviews and a few photos of the institution itself.

All the most expensive restaurants and lounge places are located along the coast of the Seminyak area. In Kuta, cafes are cheaper and simpler, in Canggu you can admire the rice terraces at lunch or dinner, on bukit – the sound of the surf and the splash of waves, but in Ubud the very atmosphere of the jungle, the mystery of tropical forests and the greenery of rice fields (many cafes and restaurants overlooking to the rice terraces).

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