best foods

Is it true that you can’t live without fruit?

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a famous English proverb, translated into Russian it means “one apple a day and you won’t need a doctor.” Indeed, since childhood we have been eating fruits to get nutrients. WHO also recommends consuming about 400 grams per day. fruits and vegetables. But are there situations when eating a banana will be harmful?

What’s inside fruits

Without a doubt, there are a lot of useful things in fruits and the first thing that comes to mind is vitamins. The most recognizable “vitamin C” is found in citrus fruits, kiwi, and persimmon. Vitamin A is found in apricots and peaches. Look for vitamin E in mangoes, mulberries and raspberries. What nutritionists praise fruit for is fiber. Why is it needed? These are dietary fibers necessary for the functioning of the beneficial microflora of our intestines, which, in turn, has a positive effect on digestion. In addition.

fiber helps control blood sugar and cholesterol levels. What else does fruit contain? Sugars of various natures – glucose and fructose. The first serves as food for our brain, but its excess negatively affects health. Fructose is more “healthy” in this regard, since it does not have such a dramatic effect on blood sugar levels and takes longer to process. But we are talking only about what is included in whole fruits, i.e. built into fiber, not the kind found in purees and juices.

You and I are confident that fruits are not a serious food, and a lot of vitamins is also good, so we don’t count their consumption. But in vain, because sugar is sugar, and when you overeat bananas, peaches and apples, you get a dose of glucose and fructose no less than in a cake, it’s not for nothing that they are equated with desserts. And don’t forget that glucose isn’t just found in obviously sweet foods, so it’s easy to overeat your daily dose. Amino acids and folic acid are another important component of fruits. These substances have a positive effect on the body’s defense reactions!

How to determine the value of fruits

It is difficult to say whether all fruits are equally useful, since we do not have clear evaluation criteria. Everything is poison and everything is medicine, depending on the proportions. Let us immediately note that many fruits are allergens and even a small part of them can cause unpleasant consequences. And diabetics are often given restrictions on the intake of certain fruits.

Citrus fruits have helped humanity cope with scurvy, are associated with New Year’s holidays and vitamin C, but they are a common allergen and are prohibited for people with gastrointestinal diseases. Broccoli can be a great alternative to lemons due to its nutritional content. Bananas are rich in calcium and magnesium, but they are quite high in calories due to their high carbohydrate content. Each fruit can have both positive and negative sides. Therefore, it should not be abused.

Snacking Fruit Good or Bad

Often you will see fruit as a snack in nutrition programs and diets. Indeed, by eating a small portion of fruit between main meals, you will be satiated, and therefore protected from overeating. But it all depends on the size of the portions, half a kilogram of apples as a snack is of dubious benefit. But one thing, plus 30 grams of nuts or 40 grams of 90% chocolate – this is already about balance and healthy eating.

Of course, if you choose between cookies and an apple, it is better to pay attention to the second, because. fiber is better than flour. Do not forget that fruits have their own calorie content, which is important to consider if you want to lose weight. Moreover, many nutritionists and nutritionists do not recommend eating sweet fruits in the afternoon, and especially in the evening for losing weight. Why is that? Many fruits are harder to digest than vegetables, and they have many times more sugar than vegetables, although the fiber content may be the same.

what about juice?

Many people remember the advertisement for juice, where a cute hedgehog carries apples. We immediately have an association with naturalness and benefits. One of my friends, a nutritionist, calls any juices liquid sugars, and it’s hard to disagree with her.

We already know that fruits contain a lot of fiber, vitamins, fructose and glucose. So, in industrial production, we get the last components at the output, and even manufacturers add sugar on top. The benefits of such a drink are doubtful, and even harmful, almost on a par with soda.

But I want to note that in the wake of proper nutrition, many factories make lines “without added sugar”. Okay, packaged juices are bad for you, but what if I make my own? Definitely, such a product is more useful, but again it is devoid of fiber. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants will be present in the drink, but they are not built into the structure and can harm the gums and teeth, as well as the digestive system.

If you like fresh juices, dilute them with boiled water to reduce acidity. And what instead of juice? Smoothies are the perfect substitute. This is a complex product with several components, rich in composition, including fiber. The body will get maximum benefits from smoothies. It is important to perceive such a drink as a full meal, otherwise you are guaranteed an excess of calories.

To eat or not to eat

What do we have in the bottom line? Many doctors say that the best fruits are vegetables. They have a lot of fiber and less sugar, which is quite enough to replace fruits. But if we are talking about the diversity of the diet and taste preferences, then it is impossible to do without sweet fruits. But always consider the characteristics of your body and the amount of fruit eaten.

The total amount should not exceed 400 g, including vegetables and products of shock freezing or dried fruits. Fruits are tasty, sweet and healthy, their vitamin and antioxidant potential is quite large. They diversify the diet, and children eat them with more pleasure than vegetables. But do not forget about the large amount of sugars, so you should not abuse it.

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