best breakfast

The best foods and dishes for breakfast

Curiosity and friendliness have always been characteristic of the Lithuanian gastronomic culture, so Lithuanian cuisine borrowed and adapted the cuisines of neighboring countries, using them to improve its own. Lithuanian cuisine was also influenced by the cuisine of Byzantium, Greece, the Ottoman Empire, much was taken from Italian, German and French culinary traditions. We have selected ten foods and dishes that best represent Vilnius.

For Lithuanians living abroad, black rye bread is one of the brightest symbols of the motherland. This is one of the oldest foodstuffs in our country, and, from a historical point of view, Lithuanians have revered nothing more than this hearty bread.

If you were to ask the locals what is the most popular traditional Lithuanian dish, almost everyone would answer that it is zeppelins. Zeppelins are large airship-shaped dumplings of grated potatoes stuffed with minced meat. They are an integral part of Lithuanian cuisine and can rightfully be considered the country’s culinary heritage. However, the first zeppelins were cooked here just over a century ago. Both the idea of the dish itself and the form of zeppelins came to Lithuania from Germany.

Anyone who wants to immerse themselves in the extremely delicious world of Lithuanian cuisine should definitely try this pink soup. It’s hard not to notice! However, some people are afraid to try this dish precisely because of its unusual color. The basis of cold borscht is beets with kefir, thanks to which the soup acquires an intense pink color. As you might guess, this soup is eaten cold, so it is traditionally a summer dish.

Sheets of dough for simtalapis should be thin, almost transparent. Shimtalapis comes with the highest quality products – it is a dessert designed for special occasions.

Kibiny are crescent-shaped pies made of yeast dough with minced lamb or beef inside, which are baked in the oven. Today, kibinas are stuffed with vegetables, cheese, or poultry. In addition to pies, hot broth or tea, bread kvass, or even Karaite bitters are often served.

Culinary experts believe that this unusual cake came to Lithuania from Germany at the beginning of the 19th century. In Lithuania, thanks to households, this authentic recipe and shape of the cake has been preserved, which cannot be said about Germany, where the tradition was lost. Fortunately, she is still alive in Lithuania. This cake requires approximately 30–50 eggs and 1 kg of flour to make. Such pastries, similar to bagels, were mentioned in Lithuania as early as 1394.

Koldunay are products made of thin dough with various fillings. No one knows when the sorcerer became popular in Lithuania, but we can say for sure that it happened a long time ago. Some of the recipes for this dish were brought to Lithuania in the 14th-15th centuries by southern settlers – Tatars, Karaites and Jews.

Recipes for zrazy can be found in almost all cookbooks from the 17th to the 19th century. There are different versions of this dish, but Lithuanian zrazy (also known as “Radziwill zrazy”) is different from the others.

Greek yogurt improves and speeds up metabolism, as it is an excellent source of probiotics, in particular bifidobacteria, which help maintain intestinal health. Add berries or pieces of fruit to Greek yogurt to boost the vitamins, minerals, and fiber content of your breakfast.

We love berries because they are tasty, photogenic and healthy. Berries – blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries – contain antioxidants that are beneficial for the body, including anthocyanins, which, according to nutritionists, prevent inflammatory processes in the body.

According to nutrition experts Giuseppe Grosso and Ramon Estruch, nuts are so beneficial to the body that they reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, reduce inflammation in the body, alleviate chronic diseases and prevent the occurrence of serious diseases in old age, reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels. A great option is to add your favorite nuts to Greek yogurt and oatmeal for breakfast.

Cottage cheese is an example of a healthy high protein breakfast. According to experts from the Dutch organization for applied scientific research TNO, high-protein breakfasts (including cottage cheese) improve metabolism and reduce the level of the “hunger hormone” ghrelin. Add berries, flaxseeds, and/or chopped nuts to cottage cheese for an even more delicious and nutritious breakfast.

First, eggs help you feel full longer (which means you won’t be tempted to eat “something sugary” until lunchtime).

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