fast food

Top 10 Fast food can be healthy too, and these snacks are great proof of that

We all indulge in weaknesses from time to time, we don’t have time to run into a good dining room or home for lunch, and there is nothing easier and more pleasant than sometimes pampering ourselves with some harmful goodies and eating fast and junk food on the go.

Fast food has such a powerful effect on the pleasure centers of our brain that it is sometimes almost as addictive as cigarettes or drugs. Does this addiction have at least some positive sides? It turns out that in a couple of cases, “junk food” can be healthy too. Tasty isn’t always bad, and in the case of 25 foods and dishes from our selection, pleasure goes hand in hand with nice bonuses.

Beef jerky

Quick snack shops at gas stations are almost never associated with healthy food, because they most often sell only chips, chocolates, cookies and sweet soda, and all this is unhealthy fast food. But if you notice a package of beef jerky on the shelves, grab it without hesitation. In its composition, such a snack is very rich in protein and does not contain fast carbohydrates, which means that such food will give you longer satiety and support your muscles without increasing your blood sugar levels.


Ketchup contains a lot of lycopene, which is not only a carotenoid pigment, but also a useful antioxidant.  Organic ketchup contains the most tomato antioxidant.

Red meat

Red meat has long been blamed for many human ailments. Most often, he was ranked among the provocateurs of heart disease and cancer. However, more recent research has shown that there is insufficient evidence to support a link between eating red meat and cancer, stroke or heart attack. There was also no clear evidence that beef or pork is associated with increased cholesterol levels in kebabs and hamburger eaters.

On the other hand, red meat can be a very healthy food when consumed in moderation, as it is rich in the most easily absorbed forms of vitamin D, which is very important for our bones and lungs. Also, this meat contains a lot of the zinc we need.

And the meat of cows that eat fresh grass and hay contains a lot of conjugated linoleic acid, which is involved in fat burning processes, which is so important for athletes and people losing weight. So don’t be afraid to treat yourself to a juicy steak once again, because perhaps this is exactly what your body needs right now.

Marmite & Vegemite spreads

Marmite and Vegemite are favorite spreads in the UK and Australia, most commonly spread on toast and used in traditional baked goods. Marmite & Vegemite is a unique variation of a salty sauce made from yeast extract from beer wort and other flavoring additives.

Marmite and Vegemite are high in vitamin B and folate, which, among other benefits, prevents the formation of birth defects during fetal development. In addition, these snacks are so high in iron that in the 1930s they were even prescribed to patients with iron deficiency anemia or simply suffering from anemia.


In fact, beer is not only a tasty and cheerful drink, but also an elixir of health, if it is not abused. But do not rush to the store, because drinking a case of beer every evening is not a good idea, and the beneficial properties of this intoxicating drink, which we will now talk about, are not at all an excuse for drunkenness.

Did you know that moderate beer consumption normalizes digestion and even plays a positive role in cancer prevention. Although, regarding the latter, research on this topic has so far been carried out only on rats, so do not self-medicate with alcohol.

Hops have anti-inflammatory properties that persist in beer. In addition, studies have shown that those who drink a glass of beer a day have a 25% lower risk of heart disease than absolute abstainers or heavy drinkers, all other things being equal.

Peanut butter

If you’re familiar with the guilt of eating spoonful’s of peanut butter straight from the jar, don’t be too hard on yourself. Moreover, this snack contains many healthy plant fats, and some studies have shown that moderate consumption of peanut butter is involved in the fight against gallstones, several types of cancer and even cardiovascular diseases. It is best to buy peanut butter that has no sweeteners and as little added fat as possible. Read labels and stay healthy!


Yoghurts always come in convenient packaging, they are tasty and even healthy! This fermented milk product is rich in starter microorganisms, phosphorus and calcium, normalizes digestive processes, improves immunity and fights pathogens. However, you should not confuse simple desserts with a high sugar content and real yoghurts, which cannot be stored for longer than a week, and should not contain a whole list of chemical additives, dyes and flavors.

Black licorice (not red)

We are talking about real black licorice, made from licorice root (a herbaceous plant), and not about the common red dessert, which is made from ordinary corn syrup and dyes. For centuries, licorice roots have been used to treat ailments of the digestive system, including even ulcers. One Japanese study found that taking licorice oil daily has beneficial effects on health and helps with weight loss.


The burrito is a common Mexican treat, especially popular in Central America, and is often compared to shawarma. The famous Mexican restaurant chain Chipotle now opens its doors every day even in Europe, so if you happen to go to one of these Mexican fast food cafes, don’t worry, there is some very healthy food waiting for you.

The chefs cook only from fresh ingredients, purchase from local markets and use the highest quality meat that has been tested for chemical additives. And if you’re looking for a snack that also includes healthy carbs, there are brown rice dishes on the menu. To avoid going overboard with calories, simply skip the usual mayonnaise sauces and cheese, and order an extra serving of tomato salsa and greens.

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