best dinner

Top Ten Dinner Foods in World

 White meat turkey

Preference should be given to white turkey meat, which holds the record for the content of protein, microelements and vitamins and, at the same time, is quickly digested. Due to the low content of fats and cholesterol in white poultry meat (provided that the breast is cooked without skin, under which subcutaneous fat accumulates), this meat is classified as dietary.

• When you press your finger on the carcass, the hole from the finger should quickly (within 3 seconds) level off – this is an indicator of the freshness of the meat.
• The most complete is chilled turkey breast, which has a higher nutritional value compared to frozen. The consistency of such meat is elastic and the meat is juicy.

• And if you choose a frozen bird, then it must be checked by tapping – it should make a distinct sound, which indicates that there is no softening due to defrosting. In addition, attention should be paid to the absence of white spots on the skin of a frozen bird (“freeze burns”), which indicate overfreezing and drying of the product with the destruction of proteins.

Low-fat varieties of fish

For dinner, it is necessary to give preference to fish because of its easy digestion and assimilation compared to red meat (fish is digested within 30-90 minutes, but beef and pork up to 5 hours). Regular consumption of fish reduces the risk of cardiovascular and oncological diseases and strengthens the immune system (thanks to omega-3 fatty acids).

• It is better to give preference to fresh or chilled fish, while the gills of fresh fish should be pink (in no case black). The scales on the fish should be preserved, it is desirable to fit snugly to the body (its absence indicates a long and “torturous” path of the fish to your table). Eyes should not be sunken, dry,


The composition of egg protein includes proteins that are easily digestible by the human body, which contain all the essential amino acids in a balanced ratio. Of the fat-like substances in the egg, there are lecithin and cholesterol.

• For diet food, it is best to use a soft-boiled egg (cooked for 3.5 minutes in boiling water). Therefore, with the regular use of raw eggs, dermatosis (dry inflammation of the skin), depression, muscle pain, loss of appetite, and drowsiness can occur.


Another great option for dinner is squid. This seafood saturates the body with iodine, B vitamins, copper, selenium and zinc (it is recommended to consume up to 300 grams per week, alternating with fish).

• It is best to buy unpeeled squid, as the peeled squid has been thawed and refrozen at least once. This affects the taste of the product – the meat spreads and becomes rubbery, as well as its nutritional properties – there are practically no useful substances in such a squid.
• Buying squid is better than the first frost. If the squid has been defrosted and frozen several times, then there will be snow raids on it, the carcasses will be glued together, and there will be tears on the skin.


Beets are rich in salts of magnesium, cobalt, manganese, calcium, iodine and iron, vitamins B1, B2, C, P, PP, U, carotene, pantothenic, folic, citric and malic acids. Beets also contain the biologically active element betaine, which is involved in the process of protein breakdown and absorption and the formation of choline, which has a beneficial effect on liver function (which is important for its recovery during sleep). In addition, beetroot improves the process of hematopoiesis, helps lower blood pressure, has a diuretic effect, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and activates metabolism.

• Do not neglect the first leaves of beet tops, which are useful no less than root crops, and even ahead of beets themselves in terms of vitamin C and carotene content.
• Beets must be included in the diet of a person suffering from chronic constipation, anemia and liver disease.
• With sluggish digestion, it is recommended to eat on an empty stomach 150 g of boiled beets, grated with a tablespoon of unrefined vegetable oil.

Natural yogurt

At night, it is better to give preference not to milk, but to natural sour-milk yogurt. The advantage of which is enrichment with beneficial lactic acid microorganisms and bifidobacteria; increased content of B vitamins (they are additionally produced by lactic acid flora); the presence of a natural antibiotic substance – nisin, which suppresses the putrefactive intestinal microflora; high concentration of calcium and phosphorus, which favorably affects the construction of bone tissue.

• When buying yogurt, make sure it is in a refrigerated display case and preferably choose a cup that sits deeper in the refrigerator (there will be a more stable temperature).
• The packaging must indicate that the product contains live and active yoghurt cultures or bifidus and lactobacilli. It is best if it is specified which ones, for example, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidus and Lactobacillus acidophilus.
• Do not buy pasteurized or thermized yoghurts, that is, those that have undergone heat treatment, which means they are deprived of living and beneficial microflora for the intestines.
• The composition of yogurt should be as short as possible: whole milk and bifidus and lactobacilli. Best without food additives (colors, flavors, sweeteners, etc.). Fruit yogurts often contain stabilizers and gelatin, so they seem to taste better than natural yogurt, but are less healthy.

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